042. Shock9 Apr, 20242Share1 year ago........The sky was covered with the clouds showing that rain can start in a second , i am not a fan of rains but sometimes it feels good when you think that sky is also crying with you . Isn't strange that nature feels you like you feel it 2ShareDownload the free Stck Reader appanshiwrites@anshiwritesFollowFollow anshiwrites On Stck Readeranshiwrites's stories, at your fingertips as soon as they are published2. Shock1 year ago........The sky was covered with the clouds showing that rain can start in a second , i am not a fan of rains but sometimes it feels good when you think that sky is also crying with you . Isn't strange that nature feels you like you feel it Delightful Reading Experience Experience stories by anshiwrites in a whole new light Good morning anshiwritesMeLiyaSee allDiscover One Home for All Purchases Pick up stories where you left off and discover new stories Write a comment ...PostanshiwritesShow your supportWriting is my passion, well i am a upsc aspirant , but thought of escaping for some hours in writing, so yeah Support Me
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